
Showing posts from July, 2021

Low Frequency Noise Vibration in Los Angeles

  If you gradually lost your hearing from exposure to a noise most people cannot hear, would it bother you? If it would bother you, I highly recommend educating yourself from the information on this website. Much of this information came from government studies posted on government websites. Spend some time and learn something you didn't know as your health and your hearing depends on it. The goal of this site is to educate people about what government is allowing utility companies to do that's hurting everyone. and NO, hearing aids won't help you, once your hearing is gone, its gone forever. The bright side to all this is that if those massive natural gas pipelines explode, the city of Los Angeles will become Hell on Earth and we all burn to death. You won't need to hear anymore if that's the outcome. One thing is certain though, there's an enormous amount of evidence that says those pipes cannot survive what they are being put through by socal gas moving their