Low Frequency Noise Vibration in Los Angeles


If you gradually lost your hearing from exposure to a noise most people cannot hear, would it bother you? If it would bother you, I highly recommend educating yourself from the information on this website. Much of this information came from government studies posted on government websites. Spend some time and learn something you didn't know as your health and your hearing depends on it. The goal of this site is to educate people about what government is allowing utility companies to do that's hurting everyone.

and NO, hearing aids won't help you, once your hearing is gone, its gone forever. The bright side to all this is that if those massive natural gas pipelines explode, the city of Los Angeles will become Hell on Earth and we all burn to death. You won't need to hear anymore if that's the outcome. One thing is certain though, there's an enormous amount of evidence that says those pipes cannot survive what they are being put through by socal gas moving their product underneath the city.

If you only read one article linked from this site, I'd recommend this one because it explains what is happening and whats to come with the large network of pipelines beneath the city. The term to pay close attention to in the article is, "when they catastrophically fail".


60 Minutes broadcast on April 17, 2023 profiled an interview with the CEO of Google about a new artificial intelligence program they are developing called "BARD". When BARD was asked if low frequency noise generated by natural gas pipelines was harmful, this was BARDs response:

There is some evidence that low frequency noise generated by natural gas pipelines can be harmful to human health.

Low frequency noise is defined as sound that has a frequency below 20 Hz. This type of noise is often described as being "humming", "booming" or "vibrating." Low frequency noise can be generated by a variety of sources, including natural gas pipelines, wind turbines, and heavy machinery. Even though you may not hear it, it will still affect you. Those who can hear it should be considered a critical warning to everyone else.

There is evidence that low frequency noise can cause a variety of health problems, including:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Headaches
  • Aggression
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Ringing in ears
  • Hearing loss - Irreversible

The severity of the health effects of low frequency noise is likely to vary depending on the individual's sensitivity to noise, the level of exposure, and the duration of exposure.

Sincerely BARD

I'm no lawyer but I would say that list of damages deserve a class action lawsuit against the DWP, SOCAL GAS and the city of Los Angeles with possible criminal charges of premeditated and calculated bodily injury to those who live in Los Angeles county.

Something else you may want to consider. If you have a young child that wakes up crying often, its because your child hears the noise and feels the vibration its causing. You can take them to a doctor all you want but that's not going to stop it from happening. Your child's delicate hearing also won't stand a chance, so be prepared to raise a deaf child complementary of the city of LA and its utilities.

BARD was then asked this on 4/17/2023:

Does los angeles have low frequency noise caused by natural gas?

BARD answered:

Yes, Los Angeles has low frequency noise caused by natural gas. The city has a large network of natural gas pipelines, and the flow of gas through these pipelines can create low frequency noise. This noise can be disruptive to residents and businesses, and it can also have a negative impact on the environment, sea life and humans.

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is aware of the problem of low frequency noise caused by natural gas, and it is working to address the issue. The LADWP has implemented a number of measures to reduce low frequency noise, including:

  • Upgrading natural gas pipelines to reduce noise emissions.
  • Installing noise barriers around natural gas facilities.
  • Working with residents and businesses to identify and address noise problems.

The LADWP is committed to reducing low frequency noise caused by natural gas, and it is working to make Los Angeles a quieter city.

Here are some of the effects of low frequency noise:

  • Annoyance: Low frequency noise can be very annoying, and it can make it difficult to concentrate or sleep.
  • Health effects: Low frequency noise has been linked to a number of health problems, including headaches, nausea, and fatigue.
  • Environmental impact: Low frequency noise can disturb wildlife and disrupt the natural environment.

If you are experiencing low frequency noise caused by natural gas, there are a few things you can do:

  • Contact the LADWP: The LADWP can investigate the source of the noise and take steps to reduce it.
  • Install soundproofing: Soundproofing can help to reduce the impact of low frequency noise.
  • Move to a quieter area: If the noise is too disruptive, you may want to consider moving to a quieter area.

WARNING: If you have children in Los Angeles county, VAD can be detrimental to the development of an adolescent brain. However since your child is your responsibility, you'll need to consider the scientific research linked from this website and make your own determination what is right for your family.

If you've found this website its because there is a problem and you've encountered it. Just know that you are not alone. Use this website as a guide to help you learn more about the pathology that's ruining lives including your own. 

Some will tell you to see a doctor, but please keep in mind and consider they simply don't know what they're talking about. 

The only doctors that are typically familiar with Low Frequency Noise exposure are occupational medical professionals usually associated with the government, the very government that's allowing it to happen. Lack of knowledge kills more people than anything else in the world. You may have heard the saying, "what you don't know can't hurt you". That's the dumbest thing anyone ever said because the reality is the exact opposite. A doctor cannot help you and has nothing to do with this, however, if it doesn't end, we will all need doctors in the future because of the health problems this will cause all of us. That is as long as the doctors are not ill from it as it affects everyone the same way regardless of whether you hear it or feel it. It is a silent but man made pathology according to the World Health Organization and the harm it does has been well documented through government led studies for decades; its nothing new. This website will present those studies to you so you can make your own determination moving forward. 

Good Luck

The sound you hear while others do not is low frequency noise which is causing the vibration you also feel. It causes Vibroacoustic Disease (VAD) and you don't have to hear or feel it to get the disease! It's a silent killer for all who cannot hear it and a distinct warning to those who can of what's to come. The World Health Organization calls it a Pathology which basically means, while it will not cause instant death, it will in fact destroy good health over a period of time which autopsies have shown according to government research. Ignore it if you will, but just know it doesn't ignore you.

Are you feeling a little irritable lately? Its a common symptom of many more to come. This website provides links to government produced articles and other research that's been conducted regarding exposure to this man made pathology. If you've made it here, bookmark this site and set aside some leisure time to familiarize yourself with what's slowly killing you and your neighbors without yours and their knowledge. As knowledge is the key to understanding what this pathology is all about and why it should not be allowed to exist where we live and raise families. In essence, its a violation of our civil rights.

It's caused by industry for profit, however I don't remember ever voting for its allowance where I live, do you?

If someone tells you they hear a constant noise and feel vibration from it, its not tinnitus as that condition does not cause you to feel vibration. Tinnitus also doesn't disappear when you travel to a different city.

I repeat - you don't have to hear low frequency noise for it to affect your health, it does it without your permission whether you like it or not. If you have kids, it will destroy critical development in their brains. If I were a parent, I would want to know as much about this as possible.

As you embark on learning more about this, below you'll find some organizations that may be in a position to help eradicate this pathology if they choose to do so. Be forewarned, they are lazy government employees who for some reason think they are immune from the harmful affects of low frequency noise simply because they themselves may not hear it and the little fact they just don't know much about it. They also think the government they work for will wave a magic wand making them safer than you. In essence, they're all full of SHIT. 

Not to worry though, file your complaints anyway to create a public record as the government keeps everything and just know that these people are made the same way as you are which science confirms and they too are being affected by it which government led studies have concluded. They can pretend its not harming them, but just know that they are wrong if they believe that.

File a Complaint with these Agencies





Also report it to your local news

This website will help you to understand what you are hearing and why you are feeling vibration from it. The worst thing that can ever happen to people is their health being ruined without their knowledge.  

Does it sound like an engine running somewhere in the distance

Does it sometimes sound like a base amplifier left on and humming and you feel the vibration it causes? 

Do you hear it but others don't? 

Does it get louder when you try to drown it out with a different noise?

Does it vibrate your house but others don't feel it? It's because your house is not vibrating, what you feel are airwaves pulsating against your body as they destroy you and those around you.

Do you drive your car to another location, turn it off and you still hear it and feel it, perhaps just not as bad as in your house?

A house acts as an amplifier which is why its worse at home.

Does it sometimes cause a sort of popping or pressure in your ears like you get when flying? This only happens on occasion and is not as constant as the distant engine at full throttle sound.

This website will tell you everything you need to know about what it is, why its happening and why others don't hear it or feel it. This website will also highlight the dangers of it and the fact that no person is immune from its damaging health effects, even those who can't hear or feel it.

Read the article at this link, it only takes a minute or two to read and see if it sounds familiar to you. Then come back to InfraSick.com and look at everything else to learn more about it and what it's doing to all of us.

You should be aware that it has irreversible negative health effects to those who can hear it but also to those who cannot; no one is immune from these health dangers.

Autopsies of those who were known to be exposed to it around the world have been performed and the findings were very troubling due to the damage it causes to the human body.

Reporting it:
If you have reported it to your city council member or any other city official and they say things like its not their jurisdiction or they just ignore you, don't worry too much because it affects their health just as much as anyone else. They think they are smart, they even think they are safe from it and may even think you are crazy, but in this case what they don't know can in fact hurt all of us. As long as they live within the same city or county where you hear and feel it, they are being exposed. That's how low frequency noise works. If they were really smart, they would research this and do everything in their power to put an end to it. Many in government jobs are accepting bribes to look the other way which is why it keeps happening. However the money will not help them when this pathology is done with their body. They will be ruined and mad because they were foolish. It happens!

What you can't hear can in fact hurt you according to Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany. Regulators ignoring the presence of low frequency noise will no doubt leave a heavy burden of health problems on everyone including themselves.

Its often referred to as Infrasound at the right frequency- It has it's own Wikipedia page - Google it!

It's a source of low frequency noise that does not register on a decibel meter and is below the threshold of human hearing which is why only some hear it and others do not. Science believes that those who can hear it may have some level of hearing loss which strengthened other senses giving them the ability to hear it.

It's commonly heard by animals and it's been recently said that sharks and whales have been coming to our shores in search of the noise; they actually get lost because it confuses their natural methods of navigation. Just google dead whales found on California beaches, you find plenty of headlines and stories where some say they don't know why it's happening. Ignorance will allow it to continue as it affects all of us as well as sea life.

Infrasound can be from many types of sources and sometimes impossible to find because those who investigate it for municipalities usually cannot hear it which is why its important to listen to those who can. Some of us have the ability to save lives more than you realize and are considered the canaries in the coal mine so to speak.

How do you find a noise if you can't hear it? Their are devices created to pick up the presence of LFN but these devices are different than a decibel meter. 

This is explained in the below lectures by scientists who have been studying it for the past 50 years. The health effects are also explained as well.

The World Health Organization calls it a threat to humanity as it alters the human anatomy. 

Its now in Los Angeles as well as numerous other cities across the country

Welcome to the Machine

Low frequency noise and vibrations are believed to cause cranial distress, ringing ears, mood swings, throat and digestive problems and psychiatric disturbances. It wrecks havoc on cardiovascular systems increasing blood pressure until death occurs. 

In 1987, the first autopsy of a deceased Vibroacoustic Disease patient was performed. The extent of LFN "Low Frequency Noise" induced damage was overwhelming. See this PubMed research article: 

Read Controlled Scientific Studies of Low Frequency Noise and Associated Health Effects on Humans

Hazardex - is an organization that knows the importance of preventing gas pipeline noises which is very likely where its coming from. While its easy to find out for sure, its not always possible due to corruption, a little thing called payoffs to look the other way. 

Excerpt from this article
Low frequency noise, usually caused by standing waves, can result in the mechanical vibration of piping and ultimately physical damage to the pipeline structure.

Hazardex is the brand name for a suite of products dedicated to the provision of the latest information specifically relevant to those companies and individuals responsible for safe operations within hazardous area environments around the world. They discuss natural gas pipelines in Los Angeles which LFN may be eroding the pipe wall thickness, when this happens, the pipes eventually explode. Think of a balloon, the bigger it gets, the thinner the balloon becomes until it eventually POPS. While the pipes don't actually act like an enlarging balloon, they do contain high amounts of fluctuating pressure which requires the pipes to maintain a certain thickness. LFN causes the vibrating you feel but others do not and in turn is eroding the pipe thickness and weakening the pipes welded seams. These gas main pipelines come from north of Santa Clarita and right through Glendale and Burbank to feed the natural gas supply to homes in Los Angeles.

This Hazardex article explains more in depth about the dangers which are brewing beneath Los Angeles county, but no one is listening except those who can hear it happening.

Example of what happens to a pipeline under constant stress, it eventually breaks. This is an actual roller coaster frame made from steel pipe but pipeline stress also happens from low frequency noise which results from high pressure natural gas being pushed to fill a network of pipes under the ground, the difference is, roller coaster pipe frames don't explode wiping out entire city blocks, gas pipelines do.

Investigations typically never take place until a catastrophic failure has occurred. We know these type of failures happen with natural gas pipelines that have constant levels of low frequency noise eroding pipe wall thickness, we just can't predict when. Lives will need to be lost and health will need to be negatively impacted first, investigations will then take place. Its the natural order of things where government regulation is concerned. 

NBC News wrote an article dated in 2013 about it happening elsewhere that will explain a little more about it and some of it may even sound familiar to you if you have been feeling vibrations and hearing a humming noise in your home. See this article:


If you hear and feel it but others in your home do not, your neighbors do not, but you can when in their house, there's a very good scientific explanation and you are not alone. You are what some call the canary in the coal mine. What you hear and the vibration you feel is wreaking havoc on the health of you and those around you without their knowledge. Its also a sign of catastrophic events to come as the pipes weaken. The energy industry has big profits to make, therefore our safety is not their concern.

Visit the links on this site and learn more about this phenomenon and share the knowledge with those around you. All of our lives depend on bringing this knowledge to light across LA. This is not opinion, rather it is based on facts.

Did any of the articles linked above sound familiar to you? 

As citizens of LA, we are entitled to peace and quiet within our homes. If utilities like gas, power and water of our city are causing this nuisance, they need to be stopped. If this is being caused by the high pressure gas mains running beneath our city, it could also potentially cause a disaster like the explosion in San Bruno, CA in 2010 where countless lives were lost and entire neighborhoods were burned to the ground. Learn more about that here:


This scientist will explain to you what it is you are hearing and why you feel it but other people do not. She gives examples of sources of it and she discusses the health effects of it. She is an authority on this subject and has made it her purpose to alert others to the dangers of it by educating them to understand it. You may think she's full of shit, but ask yourself, do you hold the scientific credentials that she holds. Listen up and learn something as learning is the best medicine. In this case what you don't know can and is hurting you.

She also speaks to distinguished colleagues at Waterloo University in Canada. This lecture begins at the 2 minute time mark in the video, so feel free to skip to that point to begin watching it.


Read extensive research by Steve Kohlhase on Infrasound and (LFN) low frequency noise and watch a documentary PBS made about him.

Years of Research by Steve Kohlhase

Read a study on the dangers of low frequency acoustic pollution (LFN) (infrasound) to humans and animals. You may not hear or feel it but your pet does and maybe even your spouse or neighbor. It affects us all because we have the same anatomy. 


Please share this website with others on social media so more people who are experiencing it in Los Angeles or their cities and counties will speak up demanding city leaders take action against those responsible for putting all of us at risk including themselves. 

Remember- People you complain to will likely say they don't hear or feel anything. That's very likely because they can't, but keep in mind, none of us can see, hear or feel radiation from X-Ray machines either but we know its real and we know its  harmful to us just as science knows low frequency noise is harmful. Just remember, there's a lot of stinking thinking out there so be sure to stick to the science and government sponsored studies of past. The unhealthy effects of this stuff has been widely known about for decades.

Some people will say you may have Tinnitus, but if you can feel the vibration correlating with the sound you hear, that's not tinnitus, its called low frequency noise. Yes, tinnitus can cause the feel of vibration in your ears but that's not the vibration we're talking about. If it feels like your house is vibrating, its not tinnitus as that condition doesn't vibrate your house. Consider yourself the canary in the coal mine and alert others that harmful low frequency noise is present. 


The Source of Low Frequency Noise 

in Los Angeles County as well as many other cities across the country

A likely source of this obnoxious sound and vibration may be coming from large natural gas pipelines like those depicted in this below map, the gas mains are the blue lines. In this picture one runs parallel to the 5 freeway in Glendale, the other runs parallel to the 134 freeway in Burbank. This is one example of natural gas infrastructure that's beneath the ground all across the country and around the world. The infrasound/low frequency noise these large diameter gas pipes put off can travel more than 25 miles, its this low frequency sound (humming noise) (LFN) that creates the vibration you are feeling sometimes while others do not. It's also slowly eroding the thickness of these pipes which can lead to failure of the pipes. You can figure out what will happen if these giant natural gas pipes fail, but let me give you a hint, does San Bruno, CA mean anything?

After the San Bruno gas pipeline exploded, investigators revealed that some of the pipe that exploded was thinner than other areas of the pipe. Time will tell if Los Angeles or a number of other cities across America will become the next San Bruno disaster. If they don't explode, the worst outcome will only be vibroacoustic disease for all who live in LA county and beyond if it continues. 

Vibroacoustic disease is an invisible pathology that will leave its mark on us all; we know this to be fact from past scientific and government led studies and autopsies from around the world which have concluded such.

Something to Consider 

The following report was developed by a third party for the California Public Utilities Commission to find out why the pipe exploded in San Bruno, CA. Conclusion was they don't know, at least that's what they say. The report is startling as it exposes weaknesses and negligence within the gas company as well as limitations of the investigating government authority who wanted to know why it happened. Yes, there are government employees that pretend to be in a position of authority, but in reality have none, likely because of bribes and payoffs to certain individuals. Not to worry, these individuals are not immune from the dangerous permanent health effects of this and they cannot take the money to their grave. To be BLUNT, they are complete idiots in government issued clothing and that's all they are. They couldn't regulate themselves and their families out of a wet paper bag if they had to. 

You can make your own determination, however mine is that no one is looking out for public safety where the natural gas industry is concerned. 

Here's the San Bruno investigative report: 


Continued Political Inaction to Facts

In both human and animal models, low frequency noise LFN exposure causes thickening of cardiovascular structures. Indeed, pericardial thickening with no inflammatory process, and in the absence of diastolic dysfunction, is the hallmark of Vibroacoustic Disease (VAD) which results from Low Frequency Noise, you know, that noise some of us can hear but for some odd reason regulators cannot. 

Depression, increased irritability and aggressiveness, a tendency for isolation, and decreased cognitive skills are all part of the clinical picture of VAD. LFN is a demonstrated genotoxic agent, inducing an increased frequency of sister chromatid exchanges in both human and animal models. 

The occurrence of malignancies among LFN-exposed humans, and of metaplastic and dysplastic appearances in LFN-exposed animals, clearly corroborates the mutagenic outcome of LFN exposure. 

The inadequacy of currently established legislation regarding noise assessments is a powerful hindrance to scientific advancement. Vibroacoustic Disease VAD can never be fully recognized as an occupational and environmental pathology unless the agent of disease--Low Frequency Noise--LFN--is acknowledged and properly evaluated. 

The worldwide suffering of LFN-exposed individuals is staggering and it is "unethical" to maintain this status quo.

What to be aware of:

If you hear humming noise that sounds like an engine idling in the distance or it sounds like you are sitting on a large jet airliner flying somewhere and that sound is mixed with what sounds like distant thunder and you are feeling vibration that others are not. You may sometimes feel pressure in your ears.

You and those around you are being exposed to Low Frequency Noise called Infrasound and all of you will eventually develop Vibroacoustic Disease VAD according to scientific studies that stretch back to the 1950's. This dangerous sound unheard by most can travel from its source for more than 25 miles across entire towns, cities and counties. You cannot block it with ear plugs as its not that level of sound. It penetrates homes, buildings and cars pulsating right through your body. 

If you just don't believe there are really sounds which affect others just because you can't hear them or feel their vibration and you like to learn the mysteries of how animals and insects perceive and HEAR the world of sound, grab a cup of JOE or a snack and listen to this science journalist explain it. I found it very relevant to all of this mysterious sound stuff and a pure JOY to become educated how humanity has affected the wild so much. As humans, we have a lot to learn if we are to continue to exist.

As heard on NPR June 28, 2022 - 47 Minutes


These are mild effects of noise on humans regardless of what frequency it is which determines whether or not you can hear it. The longer all humans are exposed to low frequency noise which only 2% of people can actually hear, the worse off you'll be health wise as your organs start to deteriorate without your knowledge. It's very important to control noise pollution which is so easy to do because most will not realize its affecting them until its too late.

Interview with a few people who feel it and hear it:


Some things you can research online to learn more about what its doing to people across LA County, just google these terms:

  • Vibroacoustic Disease
  • Infrasound Health Effects
  • Health effects of low frequency noise
  • Low frequency noise blood effects
  • Low frequency noise blood disorder
  • Blood and infrasound 

Consider This

The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

In the days following the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, the Connecticut State Police received an in depth investigative report from a man in Brookfield, CT outlining evidence of a Low Frequency Noise which was near Adam Lanza's neighborhood originating from a nearby natural gas pipeline. It was said that this LFN may have had an effect on Adam Lanza.

In his February 5, 2013 letter to police investigators, Mr Kohlhase writes in part: "For over 3 years western Connecticut has been inundated with a bewildering low frequency noise and vibration problem that most are unaware of and certainly being over looked by many. Besides my own personal issues with it, my wide encompassing research to bring attention to the problem suggests far greater reaching consequences than just annoyance."

This is a copy of the memo to State Police investigators sent by Broookfield resident Steve Kohlhase, reflecting his concerns that a low audio phenomenon he attributes to high volume gas pipeline activity near the Lanza home, may have contributed to exceedingly disturbing behavior exhibited by 12/14 shooter Adam Lanza in the months leading up to the devastating Sandy Hook School shooting. 

Continue Reading the Report Here: 


More Here:


HEALTH EFFECTS tradeoff for Natural Gas Pipeline Noise

Chronic Exposure to Low Frequency Noise at Moderate Levels Causes Impaired Balance. Chronic exposure to environmental infrasound has been shown to affect blood pressure, resulting in hypertension in humans. Furthermore, exposure to moderate levels of LFN at the frequency region has been shown to affect neuroendocrine activity in humans

The Hum.pdf
The Hum is a detailed explanation of how an entire Industry failed to address the issue of low frequency noise and infra sound in the design of Pipeline Compressors and Equipment.

Except from The Hum.pdf
"To these days, many gas transmission system designers, some
working for world renown consulting firms, do not consider it
necessary to dynamically design compression facilities incorporating centrifugal compressors. They reason that such machines cannot cause unacceptable pulsation and vibration problems similar to those observed in reciprocating compressors. Hence, a standard opinion prevails that the use of centrifugal compressor eliminates acoustical vibration problems. How wrong this statement is, only the owners and operators of high flow gas transmission systems can testify"

To Read the entire document you can download it here:


People in NY heard a similar sound:


BBC News December 07, 2022 

Villagers say they're 'tortured' by mystery noise that started in 2019.......By Alex Moss BBC News

This PBS Frontline Documentary produced in May of 2022 discusses how the Natural Gas Industry is the single largest polluter in America due to all the methane gas leaks throughout their infrastructure. While politicians try to eliminate our gasoline cars as if they are the largest source of air pollution, the accuracy of those claims don't add up when you see what natural gas is doing in this 3 part documentary series. InFraSick.com and the content we provide is overwhelming evidence that Natural gas is bad for America and needs to go.

Watch how they called natural gas friendly and clean energy yet the evidence in the first few minutes of this linked segment below depicts the opposite. The fact is, they are trading our health and our environment for dollars and some insiders just say, "you gotta die of something".

The Methane Leak Problem - Watch this which starts at the 11:25 Time Mark where they discuss the leak problem, then feel free to go back to the beginning and watch the full documentary.


Just one of many untold stories that resulted because this untamed and unregulated pathology remains on a path to destruction in our community so we can have natural gas in our homes:


I know people who have become desperately ill from low frequency noise. I know a woman whose vascular system became so weakened she bled to death alone at home. The doctors in her small town were mystified. She seemed fine other than years of living near gas compressor stations and the low frequency noise and vibrations which trespassed into her home. We became friends over the years. She was young, maybe 40-ish.

Feelings of helplessness are about the worst thing I can imagine. Of course it leads to suicide.

Your health is one thing of concern for good reason where natural gas is concerned but what is natural gas doing to the planet.

Learn more about the environmental impacts of natural gas here:


Some results of experimental research of low frequency gas dynamic pulsations in pipelines of compressor mounts


Noise and vibration impact may cause not only human health problems, but also damage of equipment operation, pipeline destruction, damage of the tightness of seals in industrial conditions, which may cause many negative sequences [1-3, 5, 7]. Serious problem is low frequency noise and vibration reduction [3-5, 7-9].


In a widely read paper published by the World Health Organization (WHO), Burden of disease from environmental noise the long-term effects of excessive noise exposure were shown to be worrisome, at best. Historically, noise exposures were deemed to be detrimental to the hearing function, i.e., people exposed to loud noise were more likely to become deaf, or hearing impaired.

Consequently, only a portion of the acoustical spectrum was focused upon - the one containing the frequencies responsible for hearing loss. This restricted segment of the acoustical spectrum, called 'the audible portion', ranges from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Within this wide range of frequencies, though, not all of them are equally responsible for deafness or hearing loss.


Stand Up and Demand Action

If it bothers you that you and your family's health is being ruined by this, make this website known. Education is the best medicine as long as its without resistance by the learner. Ways you can help get the word out about this tragedy, make flyers, stickers or post a link to this website on social media to get the word out. This website is fact and science based.


Keep in mind that if you live in areas where these pipelines are below the ground, you can burn to death if and when they explode. You may have heard the saying Hell on Earth, but is your house that very place. 

Also, if you and your family care about your health, don't bother anymore because nothing you do will ever counteract the damaging effects low frequency noise has on your body and its organs. As long as this continues in Los Angeles county, all of our lives are heading towards a senseless yet preventable end regardless of what we do to try and be healthy. 

Low frequency noise has been a killer around the world, that we know to be fact, and now it is here because of inaction by regulators who pretend to regulate just for a paycheck. 

Good Luck

These are the people responsible for doing this:

San Diegans are amped up about not being able to afford high utility rates.  

It may surprise you to learn that the CEO of Sempra Energy made $23 million in annual compensation. 

He and his wife recently bought a condo on Miami's Fisher Island at 6831 at 6800 Fisher Island Drive. He knows his company's profits are in exchange of causing harm to people but that's not his problem and the cost of doing business. Only the rich will survive.

CBS 8 took a closer look at the compensation packages for executives at Sempra Energy and SDG&E, as we continue working to get answers.

CEO Jeffrey W. Martin is the top man at San Diego Gas & Electric’s parent company, Sempra Energy.

He made more than $23 million in total compensation in 2020 (the latest year where salary information is available in Sempra’s public SEC filings).  

Martin’s compensation included $1.3 million in base salary, $3.7 million in cash bonuses, and $10.5 million in pension earnings.

Martin has a couple emails: jmartin@sempra.com or jwmartin@sempraglobal.com.

$23 million sounds like a lot of money to Edward Lopez, the executive director of the Utility Consumers’ Action Network in San Diego.

“UCAN certainly believes that Sempra executive compensation levels are out of wack,” Lopez told CBS 8.

As a consumer advocate, Lopez keeps track of compensation and profit earnings for both Sempra Energy and SDG&E.

“Sempra takes those profits and that certainly drives compensation for the Sempra executives,” said Lopez.

When it comes to SDG&E’s CEO, Caroline Winn, her compensation numbers are harder to find because employee names are redacted in a 2020 compensation filing with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

“You don't have complete information. You might find it, ironically, for the Sempra executive leaders. But we're having a challenge and why isn't the CPUC more forthcoming in terms of what these SDG&E leaders are earning?” asked Lopez.

Winn is the chief executive officer at SDG&E. And according to the redacted CPUC filings, the highest paid "executive officer" at SDG&E earned $10 million in total compensation in 2020.

Winn's email is: cwinn@semprautilities.com.

Compensation information for SDG&E’s President and Chief Financial Officer, Bruce Folkmann, is equally hard to come by online.

He earned more than $1 million in total compensation in 2019, according to SEC filings, when he worked for the Sempra-owned Southern Califorina Gas Company, and later that year, for SDG&E.

Folkmann's email is bfolkmann@semprautilities.com.

CBS 8 requested that SDG&E release total compensation numbers for both Winn and Folkmann. A spokesperson emailed us the following statement instead:

"California Senate Bill 901, signed by Gov Jerry Brown, 2018, and codified in PUC Code, prohibits electrical and gas corporations from using ratepayer dollars for executive compensation. Compensation is instead funded solely by shareholders. We appreciate you reaching out and have nothing further to add."

Theres been many reports of aggressive sea life like killer whales attacking boats to the point of sinking them and an increase in shark attacks around the world. Its well known that low frequency noise bothers sea life and its causing this aggression. Its their way of fighting back against the human race that harms them. Maybe invite your local member of government for a day of snorkeling if they continue to ignore there's a problem and enjoy the beach this summer; just don't go in the water.

Low frequency noise is the perfect torture technique because not everyone hears it, allowing those responsible to get away with it. But is it damaging everyone's health in the exposure zones? Time will tell!

Vibration and sounds used to torture prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba because its an effective method to cause phycological damage. Why are so many young men shooting people for fun these days? Low frequency noise and vibration was prevalent in the neighborhood where Adam Lanza resided. Adam was not the first shooter to be exposed to LFN. 

Could the government be using natural gas companies to do the same to us? If so, Why?

"Excerpt from articles below"

He begins to complain that the guards are sending smells, noises and subtle vibrations into his cell to torment him. He also describes a chronic skin allergy that gives him painful pins-and-needles sensations. Military psychiatrists find that he has “adjustment disorder with depressed mood,” which means he has developed marked sadness and hopelessness in response to recent stress.




Its unknown why the government would allow low frequency noise to be inflicted upon all of us including themselves but what is known is that they choose not to use their authority to stop it. We also know through government research from around the world that long term exposure to low frequency noise is harmful to human health and negatively affects the development of brains in children. 

Facebook Group that's dedicated to this issue:
